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V6 Culture Day 2022

Student voice in Sixth Form relayed how they wanted the opportunity to celebrate our diverse student intake and so on May 11th we celebrated our Culture Day.


We were keen to make this day fun but also meaningful. Students were invited to wear their cultural outfits and bring in food from their culture to share with everyone.

Our Head Student team planned a Culture 'Kahoot' - an educational quiz played by many during our lunchtime in the Common Rom. In the afternoon, we used the platform in our assembly for students to have two minutes in the spotlight, where they shared what they loved most about their culture. This was also supported by an interactive display board.


A prize was given to Bart Zaziablo, who wore his wonderful traditional Polish outfit with great pride.  

Head of Year 13, Mrs Mohamed said:

It was great to be part of an amazing day packed full of fun and energy where we learnt so much about one another.


One student summed the day up very well:

today's culture day has made me very proud to be a part of this college.

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